The 3 2 1 Lesson Starter Activity is an extremely simply, flexible and easy to use starter activity that you can use with your students in lessons.
It can be used for almost any subject and age group and it requires almost no preparation prior to the lesson.
At the start of your lesson, when you are introducing a new topic or recapping on a previously taught topic, ask your students to give you:
3 keywords associated with the topic
2 facts they know about the topic
1 question they have about the topic
This is just one example of how the 3 2 1 Lesson Starter Activity can be used. In fact, you can use this starter activity any way you wish but it is best to explain this by providing a few examples.
Watch the video below or continue reading for examples of how to use the 3 2 1 lesson starter activity.
Alternatively, for more teaching activities for the classroom please check out the teaching section of my blog.
Ultimately, it is up to you as a teacher how you wish to use the 3 2 1 Lesson Starter Activity. You could ask students to provide you with keywords, facts, quotes, interests, questions, authors, related topics, examples, challenges, alternatives, debatable points or anything else that fits the topic and class you are teaching.
The examples below are intended to demonstrate the versatility of this lesson starter but they are certainly not exhaustive, so get creative with this activity.
3 things that interest you about this topic
2 ways this topic relates to previous topics we have covered
1 example of how this topic can be seen in the real world
3 known facts
2 questions you want answered
1 area of uncertainty
3 prominent authors
2 contrasting theories
1 debatable point
3 things you already know about this topic
2 things you are unsure of about this topic
1 thing you know nothing about for this topic
3 arguments in support of this idea/theory
2 arguments against this idea/theory
1 alternative idea/theory
As you can see, the 3 2 1 Lesson Starter Activity is highly versatile activity which can be adapted and used in any way you see fit.
You can plan ahead but it is also extremely easy to use this activity ad hoc if desired as there is little to prepare in advance.
I have presented the 3 2 1 Lesson Starter Activity as a ‘starter activity’ as this is where I commonly use it, and where I have seen others most commonly use it. However, it can obviously be used at any stage of a lesson where appropriate and is also commonly used as a plenary activity.
For more teaching activities for the classroom please check out the teaching section of my blog.